Survey Drawings, 2018
in collaboration with Arch. Beatrice Biserni & Irene Bulletti
Villa Garzoni at Collodi is a villa just over the border of the province of Lucca, (Tuscany, Italy). The garden was built shortly before 1652 by the Garzoni family, relating to the site of the old castle, which stands slightly apart, closely associated with the village that nestles around it, on the edge of a clifflike slope, which had been chosen in earlier times for its defensible approach.
In the restoration of Villa Garzoni (PT, Italy), my team was in charge of the architectural relief of the internal court of the Villa.
The court presented three elevations of the building, a nymphaeum, in the north elevation, and a stone pavin.
The work was carried out in three phases:
1- Impression and hand sketches of the complex,
2- Architectural relief,
3- Determination of the architectural degradations of the complex.